How to install and configure VS Code on Windows

You will find how to install and configure VS Code to develop apps for dotnet.

About VS Code

Visual Studio Code is a lightweight but powerful source code editor which runs on your desktop and is available for Windows, macOS and Linux. It comes with built-in support for JavaScript, TypeScript and Node.js and has a rich ecosystem of extensions for other languages and runtimes (such as C++, C#, Java, Python, PHP, Go, .NET).

Installing the VS Code

First you need to download the software that you can click on the link Visual Studio Code.

  • For 32bit System's click in the Download for Windows button.
  • For 64bit System's click in the right arrow and select Windows x64 stable version.


The download will start automatically.

Execute the installer and follow the steps below.

  • Select I accept the agreement and click next.
  • Mark all the options and click next.


  • Click Install.

Open the VS Code

Logging into in your account

You have the option to sign in with you microsoft or github account. If you do it all the settings will be stored the the cloud and in a new machine it will be downloaded.

In the left-bottom click on the User button and in the Backup and Sync Settings.



Will appear a list with two options Microsof and Github.

Select one of you preference. It will redirect you to the browser to login into your account.


After you login into in your account you can close the browser and return to the VS Code.

Installing some extensions

After you might have set the login we are ready to install some usefull extensions to increase your productivity.

To install an extension you can go to the left menu and select the Extensions or press Crtl+Shift+X.

You can type the extension you want in the top in the search box and press enter.

In the extension listed you can click to install.



We have seen in a few steps how to install and configure the VS Code to develop apps for dotnet.

To create dotnet apps you will need to have installed the dotnet SDK that I will show you how to do in another post.

About Lucas

Lucas Riechelmann Ramos
I am a software engineer, C# enthusiast and a blogger.
I write about C#, Web, Desktop and Mobile Development, Javascript, HTML and CSS.